My little brother Oliver's eyes are clearing up a bit. They've been stuck shut with yellow stuff a lot of the time since he was born. Mummy and daddy clean his eyes with cotton wool buds and warm salty water. He is gradually sleeping more at night and less during the day. Everybody is pleased!
I don't pay much attention to Oliver, at least when mummy and daddy are looking. While daddy was checking my uncle's
registration for the election this weekend, I jumped off the sofa and swung a playful slap at Oliver while he was wriggling on his bed. I don't think daddy saw.
Daddy has started complaining about Malaysian websites again. He usually does, especially if he has been trying to access government websites. He often asks me "how can they be so bad?". How should I know? Anyway, it seems that the website for checking registrations for the election is becoming very slow as the date draws nearer. He said something about a
hastily set-up second server, and used a lot of extra words that only daddy uses. I recognised some of the words: the ones he always makes a nasty face for. I can't wait to learn them!
Anyway, as far as I can work out from what daddy was saying, if you're planning to vote this weekend, and you want to check your registration at the
Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (Election commission) website, don't leave it to the last minute! I'd vote, but I'm 19 years too young. I have to wait until I'm 21 in Malaysia. Daddy would vote, but he's too foreign (he does grumble about mummy being allowed to vote in the UK). I don't think Oliver will ever vote, he's either asleep or eating mummy.